Brewed and bottled in central Vietnam for 30 years, Carlsberg Group’s popular Huda brand is deeply rooted in its local communities.
Many people across the region still get their drinking water from unhygienic wells or ponds, store rainwater or are forced to buy costly bottled water to avoid drinking from contaminated supplies. Even where public taps are available, they often run dry.
In 2020, the brewery put our commitment to safeguard shared water resources into action – bringing clean water at the turn of a tap to almost 20,000 people. We partnered with local authorities to construct new water infrastructure in five provinces, including Thua Thien Hue, where the brewery is based.
First, we identified the communities most in need, then we collaborated with local people to plan how best to provide clean, reliable fresh water. Projects included installing or repairing water pipelines, reservoirs, wells, pumping stations, filter tanks, water flow meters and a concrete dam.
The projects completed in 2019 serve around 5,500 people. In 2020, we accelerated expansion to support over 14,000 more people as the COVID-19 pandemic made the need for reliable clean water even more urgent.
Huda’s highly effective approach offers a useful template as we partner to extend water projects in priority areas across Asia to fulfil our 2030 target to safeguard shared water resources.